Second Grade » Welcome to Second Grade!

Welcome to Second Grade!



Our Goals


We have the same goals for your children.

We are dedicated to ensuring the students feel safe, comfortable, happy and engaged this year. We look forward to getting to know them and help their brains grow. 

We also intend of focusing on something called the perfect triangle- Parent, Teacher, Child...meaning in order for each child to be successful, we must all work together. Remember, our goal is the same as yours- to help your child reach their potential.


School Supplies

     A 2nd grade supply list was posted over the summer on the school Dojo.  If you did not see the posting, please let us know and we will send it to you ASAP.  

Most school supplies were already sent in :) 


We have provided each child with a pencil case. Some supplies may be used as community supplies (disinfected daily), while others may be for your child’s individual use. 


If there are any concerns, please let us know.




If your child is absent, please Dojo us and let us know.  You must also call the office on those days.  Please send in an absent note when your child returns to school.



Homework will be assigned everyday other than Fridays. Homework is given to reinforce what we learned during the school day and should be completed independently. We will post the homework every morning on Dojo and your child will glue it into their Homework Notebook each day as well.

Math Succeed (Homework) Workbooks are to be kept home, or if your child attends NIA or after school, they should remain in their backpack. We are asking for you to rip out the homework page each night and return it to school the following day in your child’s homework folder.



All of 2nd grade eats lunch 5th period each day.


School Information

PS 52



Principal: Mrs. Cancel


Assistant Principals:

Mrs. Palmeri

Mrs. Muccigrosso


Parent Coordinator:  Lisa Juarez



Policies and Procedures


Students are expected to wear school uniforms Monday-Thursday. They should wear Gym uniforms and sneakers on Gym days.


Fridays are dress-down days!


Daily Routine

Students should be on time each day. The school day begins at 8:00 am. 

In 2nd grade we work on fostering independence, therefore students are responsible for unpacking, emptying their folders, and gluing their homework in their notebook each morning. 

We then complete the morning routines and begin learning. 



Dismissal is at 2:14 pm each day.


EXIT 2- Each child will be dismissed one by one.  If you need to talk to us, please wait until we have dismissed all the children.  If your child goes to NIA, they will be dismissed to the NIA room. If they take the bus, they will be picked up from the classroom and escorted to the necessary location.

If there is ever a day where your child is not being dismissed in their typical way, please be sure to let us know ASAP in a written notice.




This year birthdays will still be celebrated in the classroom.  Fortunately, parents will be able to attend.  If you would like to send something in for your child’s birthday, please let us know and we can schedule a day.  Also, food and drinks should be individually wrapped. Please send in one flavor of the birthday treat (ex- all chocolate munchkins) in order to be fair to all children.

Goodie bags are not permitted and will be returned home if sent in.